Friday 29 May 2015

Cats and boxes

Outnumbered by Cats: the book that emerged from kitten diaries with chewed edges, written as kittens climbed over me, when trying to work on the computer was not really an option...


Boxes seem to be a big feature in a house full of cats - no box can be discarded until every last scrap of play value has been ripped out of it.
I now have a stack of boxes forming the kitchen island I never wanted...

 I'm not sure if he's king of his castle or an engine driver... 

 ...and I don't think this box is quite big enough.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Cats, Nocturnal... really?

Why is it that everything always kicks off when I want to go to sleep?
 Is it because I'm outnumbered by nocturnal creatures...? 
Well maybe, but I'm not convinced that cats are truly nocturnal - I think their definition of nocturnal is a mad half hour after supper - just long enough  to upset the local rodents, before turning in for the night.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Knitted cats

A bagfull full of Basils...


I think maybe it's time to get back to some sheep production - before the Basils overrun the place.

So, I'm all ready for the rush on my Basil and the Flappy Thing gift packs...